Weeping Wall is a groundbreaking innovation in the world of audio production. Described as a “zen garden of responsive sound,” this tool offers a unique audio experience, responding and reflecting the most recent sounds in a continuous flow of sonic changes. Dynamic Microloopers At the heart of Weeping Wall is a set of microloopers that automatically record based on input detection. Each new ...
Hit’n’Mix’s AI-based music production software, RipX DAW, allows you to deconstruct any audio source with astonishing precision and manipulate the results in ways you could never have imagined. RipX DAW: A Detailed Analysis Every now and then, a product comes along that completely changes the game in the field of audio. These tools, which seem to spring up out of nowhere, are in fact the ...
Nell’era digitale contemporanea, la musica non è solo un’arte, ma anche un mezzo di espressione accessibile a tutti. La tecnologia ha abbattuto le barriere, permettendo a chiunque, indipendentemente dalle proprie capacità fisiche, di partecipare attivamente alla creazione musicale. I progressi tecnologici hanno portato alla nascita di strumenti come il controller MIDI, che ha rivoluzionato il ...
Antelope Audio Discrete 4 Pro Synergy Core: My first Audio Experience I am proud to announce that I have become an endorser for Antelope Audio. My choice to use the Discrete 4 Pro Synergy Core for my professional audio needs is a testament to the quality and reliability of Antelope Audio products. The Discrete 4 Pro Synergy Core is equipped with high-quality microphone preamplifiers that ...
Nel vasto universo della produzione musicale digitale, Ableton Live si è distinto come uno strumento indispensabile. Questo articolo è un resoconto personale della mia esperienza con la nuova beta di Ableton Live 12. Dal primo incontro con la sua interfaccia intuitiva, alla scoperta delle sue potenti funzionalità, fino alla realizzazione di progetti musicali completi. La nuova interfaccia ...
There are two aspects to navigate in the world of mini key controllers: one is purely hardware and concerns the quality of the materials, the quantity of physical controls and the quality of the keyboard, the other is the programming power of the physical controls with the integration between plug-ins and DAWs provided as standard. MiniLab 3 has a 25-key mini keyboard, equipped with velocity ...
Ableton ha annunciato l’uscita imminente di Live 12, un importante aggiornamento che promette di soddisfare una vasta gamma di musicisti e produttori con nuovi strumenti MIDI, tecniche di organizzazione e persino strumenti musicali. Un aggiornamento atteso Proprio in tempo per il Black Friday, arriva un annuncio che tutti aspettavamo. Sono passati quasi tre anni dall’ultimo grande ...
On October 20th, the first track of Matthew S’s EP titled “Dawn Of The Day” will be released. This song marks the beginning of a journey through four tracks that make up the musical work “Solar Cycle.” “Solar Cycle” presents itself as an immersive sonic experience, where each track transforms into an intricate story, evoking internationally acclaimed ...
If you’re a musician or a producer looking for an innovative way to manipulate sound, then Liquid is exactly what you need. In this article, we will explore this live granulation plugin that offers a wide range of creative possibilities to enrich your musical performances. What is Liquid? Liquid is a live granulation effect that takes incoming audio and chops it up into small, seamless ...