The sound of OB-Xa V by Arturia

Released in December 1980, the OB-Xa made a massive statement in the world of analog synths. Following the release of accessible digital synthesizers, Oberheim brought in added polyphony, big sound, and impressive power to show the world what synth greatness really means, and it became an instant rival to its main competitor, Sequential Circuits’ Prophet 5. OB-Xa is a hugely iconic synth ...
Neunaber Immerse Reverberator MkII

live with Neunaber Immerse Reverberator MkII

I used this pedal for my perfrmance and for my music productions, Immerse MKII is great. Very easy to use (graphics on the pedal are super clear) and alle the reverb modes sound good. The three main reverb modes (wet, plate and hall) sound different and all of them are useful (I still don’t know what is my favourite). Love the shimmer and detune mode. Neunaber Immerse With richer ...

The best supports for music production

In my studio there are things that cannot be missing, the support for my synthesizer and the support for my studio monitors.  There are a lot but in my  the best supports are: for the keyboard or synthesizer , the Gravity KS TS 01 B is amazing!  This keyboard stand with table-like construction offers superior stability making it particularly suitable for heavy keyboards. It is ...

Arturia Pigments – Granular sound banks – testing in my studio

In this video I text the new granular sound banks by Arturia. I love the sound of them! For this video I used: Granular Lead Reimagining samples as synth patches, the ace team of sound designers behind Granular Lead include 10 Phantom Rooms, Maxime Dangles, Klaus Baetz, Gustavo Bravetti, Mord Fustang, and New Loops. Inside this sound pack, you?ll find 64 amazing lead patches for Pigments and ...

Daydream: the Quarantine’s Soundtrack ( Gian Marco Castro, Matthew S, Pietro Roffi )

Three composers of the Italian label INRI – Gian Marco Castro, Matthew S and Pietro Roffi joined their talent and creativity to compose a track, to give an important message: music never stops. Daydream, combines different worlds and atmospheres but related to each other, it was spontaneously composed by three artists: the pianist Gian Marco Castro, the producer Matthew S and the ...

Ròveran – ECO

Questo video è stato realizzato in differita durante la quarantena COVID-19. Ho scritto questo testo veicolando in esso le emozioni e le riflessioni sorte in me in questi giorni e ne è risultato un lavoro realizzato a distanza che ha coinvolto Furio Ganz alla regia e Matthew S alla produzione del sound. Questo è il primo di una serie di video che stiamo realizzando. Testo e voce: Maria ...

Pladask Elektrisk – Fabrikat (Granular Synthesis and Time Stretch) – Testing in my studio

Having some MicroFreak-fun with Fabrikat by PLADASK ELEKTRISK! I love FABRIKAT, this is  a granular synthesizer pedal that can do a variety of reverb- and delay-like glitchy effects! Synthetic ambiance, sonic deconstruction and spectral choirs. FABRIKAT is a 100% inorganic, experimental multi-effects processor featuring 16 algorithms focusing on granular synthesis and modified sample ...
How use Prophet REV2 with Ableton

How use Prophet REV2 with Ableton

How use Prophet REV2 with Ableton Prophet REV2 Editor VST/AU 1.27 andProphet REV2 Multi Mode Editor VST/AU 1.0 Prophet REV2 synthesizer can work in two modes: 1. As one solid synthesizer which have two separate layers that shares 8 or 16 voices 2. As two separate synthesizers with one layer and 4 or 8 voices each. This is Multi Mode that can enabled in synthesizer globals. We developed two ...